the building
blocks of life
proven results, backed by science
The PROMINO™ patented, plant-based formula was developed at the University of Arkansas and is built upon over 20 years of research and 25 clinical trials to get the optimal ratio of nutrients to effectively stimulate muscle protein synthesis. MPS is essential for the repair and growth of muscle tissue.*
Our clinically-proven formula has shown to be 2X more effective than whey protein* at building muscle, even without exercise!

The Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score (DIAAS) is the new WHO adopted gold standard for measuring protein quality and ranks how a protein source is actually absorbed and utilized by the body. *
Gram per gram, nothing is higher in protein quality than PROMINO™.*

TAKEAWAY: Because our formula consists of free amino acids they are instantly taken into the bloodstream when ingested unlike other protein sources which first must go through the digestive process.*

"I believe that essential amino acids (EAAs) will become the most important nutritional supplements to impact human health and disease in the years to come. EAAs can provide unparalleled benefits in terms of muscle mass and strength."
- Dr. Robert Wolfe, Author of: A Guide to Amino Acid and Protein Nutrition
MPS Studies
2X more effective than whey protein*
PROMINO™ has been found to be twice as effective as whey protein and triggering muscle protein synthesis.*

TAKEAWAY: Because our formula provides the precise ratio of amino acids found to induce optimal Muscle Protein Synthesis (MPS), whey and other protein sources just don’t stand a chance.*

What are amino acids?
Amino acids are the fundamental building blocks of life as we know it. They join together to form protein, the material that forms all of the muscles, tendons, and organs in our bodies.
What are essential amino acids (EAAs)?
9 specific amino acids that cannot be produced in the body are called essential amino acids (EAAs). EAAs must be obtained from the diet. In fact, EAAs are the only dietary “macronutrient” that you must eat to survive. You can get these EAAs directly in the amino acid form or as a component of dietary protein.*
Why is Promino™ more effective than whey or other proteins?
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When we eat protein, it is digested so that the component amino acids are absorbed into the body. The absorbed amino acids are why we need to eat protein. With Promino™ you give your body these building blocks directly, skipping the extra conversion step needed when ingesting protein.*
How is Promino™ different from other amino acid supplements?
There are regulatory mechanisms that maintain a balance of all the EAAs when an excess of one is consumed. It is crucial to get the dosage correct. Our formula has undergone extensive clinical trials to find the most optimal ratio and potency of all 9 EAAs to effectively trigger muscle protein synthesis (MPS). The ratio matters.*
What is muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and turnover?
All proteins in the body are in a constant state of turnover. The breakdown of body proteins provides a steady supply of amino acids to produce new proteins. We must replace the amino acids that are continuously lost as a consequence of muscle loss and repair (metabolic degradation).*
Do I have to exercise for Promino™ to be effective?
While exercise will improve the effectiveness and results, it is not required. Promino™ has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis by 76%* even at rest!
How long do I need to take the products? What can I expect?
Our products are designed to become a way of life, not just a crash diet or “detox” to be endured for two or three weeks. Since Promino™ works with your body’s natural processes, the benefits will grow the longer the products are used. Customers report feeling benefits such as increased energy, strength, and overall vitality after just a few days of use. With long-term, consistent use you can expect improvements in metabolic health, increases in lean body mass, reduced fat mass, and improved overall health levels.*
Are your products safe?
The Promino™ formula uses ingredients that are Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) by the FDA and have no demonstrated adverse effects.*